The Loves of My Life!!

The Loves of My Life!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tabata's The Way To Start The Day!

Boy do I love me some Tabata! To keep it simple, Tabata is 8 rounds of an push-ups and each round consists of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. In essence the workout was only 20 minutes in it's entirety...but it was a kicker!! 5 stations: Rowing, push-ups, box jumps, kettle bell swings, and wall ball sit ups. Of all the exercises...the push ups (chest to floor) were undoubtedly the most grueling. So glad I had some Starbucks oatmeal before the WOD.....needed the fuel!

Today was also AYSO sign -ups for fall soccer. I am so excited for Eli to play, and I just couldn't help thinking to myself....he is so grown up!!! Much more a boy than a little boy. I came home and gave him his free t-shirt, and he informed me that it was not right! There was no number on the back. He is jonesing a uniform and please, please let him end up on a red team!!

The rest of the day has been consumed by domestic diva type stuff. So much fun!! I had a ham bone and a chicken carcass, so I threw them in a stock pot to make a tasty base for soup. Since it's such a cloudy day...soup sounds amazing. The soup may be one of my best ever....ham and turkey with white bean, tomato, zucchini and celery.

I also baked 2 trays of 7 layer bars. In my opinion, the 7 layer bar is the finest "cookie" on the planet. My mother in law sends them every year for Christmas. OK...seriously...they are the easiest thing in the cookie world to throw together....haven't tasted them yet.....but I'm hoping they come out of the pan nicely.

I have a baking commitment every Sunday for a meeting I attend. And, I must say it's been really fun so far to "get my bake on". So far I have rolled out chocolate chip walnut, peanut butter with peanut butter chips and now the 7 layer bars. Who knows what it will be next week???

We might go out to dinner want Pinkberry...but then they always want Pinkberry, and quite frankly, I agree with them.

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